Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sports Illustrated

Levine, Adam, editor. Sports Illustrated. Time Inc.: New York: 2010.

Sports Illustrated gives readers the information they want on almost all sports played in America and beyond. A typical issue will focus on the sports in season covering both the professional and collegiate realms. Most issues also offer information on the lives (and sometimes deaths) of athletes of interest. There are regular columns with well respected experts in the sports arena and factoid sections in each issue The cover photography alludes to an important upcoming game or event, while on page three is the complete "lineup" or table of contents. The photography in Sports Illustrated covers sports in a way that captures the spirit of the game or player. It's very artistic and dramatic.

Critical Evaluation
Sports Illustrated is a weekly magazine that reports on what's happening in the world of sports. The cover articles are always the longest, spanning two or three pages, while other articles are shorter than a page, or in the shape of a factoid box. This allows readers to be able to easily finish any article over their morning cereal. The factoids can be quickly scanned quick reading entertainment and good-to-know sports statistics/trivia. The section called "Faces in the Crowd" will appeal to young adults because it highlights the achievements of the country's best high school athletes. Both guys and girls who are interested in sports will enjoy the weekly Sports Illustrated. And with the different lengths of articles, readers with different the reading abilities will get something from the magazine.

Popular Culture

Sexual Content— in advertisements and the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Curriculum Ties
Physical Education: the power of sports on a body
Psychology: the power of sports on the mind
Booktalking Ideas
Does knowing about an athlete's personal life change how you view them as a professional…
Are professional athletes role models? Overpaid? Rock stars…

Reading Level/Interest Age
Ages 12+

Why I included this title...
This is a popular magazine with all ages, and I noticed that both of my tweens read it while eating breakfast.

Graphic from rant.sportslizard.com. Retrieved from http://rant.sportslizard.com/2007/08/18/my-new-favorite-custom-mcfarlane/ on December15, 2010.

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