Monday, December 13, 2010

Boy Toy

Lyga, Barry. Boy Toy. ISBN-10: 0547076347, ISBN-13: 978547076348. Graphia. 2007.

Five years ago, Josh learned several things about himself—mainly that he knew how to please a woman. Sadly, five years ago, Josh was 12 years old and was having a very adult relationship with one of his teachers. Eve, the teacher, is now being paroled while Josh is trying to finish high school, improve on his already amazing baseball statistics, and start a relationship with Rachel. But he's still really angry—he flies off in violent rages; he can't commit to a relationship with Rachel because he's unsure of how to be in a real relationship, and he's holding on to a secret that everyone already knows. It's just time for him to know the truth too.

Critical Evaluation
Barry Lyga has taken a headline that is being seen more and more commonly, a teacher having a sexual relationship with one of her students. Josh is one of those students, and Eve was his teacher. He was seduced and convinced that he was in a loving relationship where this kind of behavior was acceptable. Five years later, he's still stuck in a mire of self-doubt, while searching for a little control in his life. The story is told in a flashbacks that he calls flickers where his mind drifts back to his time with Eve. The flickers slowly build up from grading papers, to kissing and then much more. Lyga's descriptions of Josh and Eve's relationship are honest, explicitly so. Older teens will understand many of Josh's feelings about relationships, ending high school and moving on. And all readers will get a better inkling into the mind of the silent male victim.

Reader's Annotation
Josh has been keeping a secret—but everyone already knows that he was a victim of molestation by his history teacher in seventh grade. He also needs to come to terms with the relationship, and the truth may release him.

About the Author
Barry Lyga is the popular author of The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl, as well as a collector and activist of comic books. After he graduated from Yale (with a degree in English) he went to work in the comic book world, and he was a major player in the development of Free Comic Book day*. He served as spokeperson for industry and is quoted in numerous publications as well as penning a book on the topic on incorporating these graphic materials into schools and school libraries.

Lyga changed gears a bit, and jumped into the realm of young adult novels. He used his vast comic book knowledge to write the rave-reviewed young adult book The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl in 2006. Boy Toy followed in 2007, and it was garnered enthusiastic reviews. In 2008, Hero-Type was released, and then in 2009 Goth Girl Rising the sequel to The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl was published. He's also written books for middle schoolers, short stories, a film and copious articles and essays. Lyga was named a "Flying Start" from Publisher's Weekly for his strong debut in 2006.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual Content

Curriculum Ties
Sociology: abundance of sexual abuse with female teachers and young male students

Booktalking Ideas
When you think about a female teacher having a sexual relationship with a male student, who do you think is to blame…
If you knew your best friend had been molested by a teacher, what would you do to be a friend and support him?


Reading Level/Interest Age
Ages 16+

Why I included this title...
I stumbled on this one by accident... and as Bob Ross used to say, "it's a happy accident". I'm very glad to have found Barry Lyga.

*On the first Saturday in May, participating stores join in to the industry-wide promotion.

Bob Ross was a painter, who created beautiful landscapes and entertained many for years on PBS channels.

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