Sunday, November 14, 2010


Napoli, Donna Jo. Hush: An Irish princess' tale. ISBN-10: 0689861761, ISBN-13: 9780689861765. Atheneum Books. 2007

Hush is about the haughty Irish princess Melkorka. She is kidnapped by a slave trader, and forced into a life completely foreign to her. The princess learns her survival rests in her vow of silence, and it's her silence that captivates her fellow slaves, captors and masters.

Critical Evaluation

Napoli creates a world that very few readers are familiar with, but she takes a legend and makes an enthralling novel. The novel follows the growth of the Melkorka from an indulgent princess to a strong, silent character that grows to endure a life she was never meant to live. Readers may struggle with the Gaelic and Norse words interspersed in the story, but not to distract them from this enthralling story.

Reader's Annotation
This book is based on a historic Icelandic legend, Napoli weaves a story from general facts about life in Scandinavia, Russia and Ireland to create the world of Irish Princess Melkorka. She is a spoiled Irish princess that is kidnapped and sold into slavery. She takes a vow of silence, finds her silence gives her power over her captors, and is the key to her survival.

About the Author
The Pennsylvania author, Donna Jo Napoli holds degrees in mathematics (BA) and romance languages (PhD) from Harvard, and has taught linguistics at several institutions over the years. In additions to gaining degrees, teaching, and writing and speaking on the topic of linguistics, she has written over 50 books for children of all ages—19 specifically for young adults.

Myths and Legends

Sexual Content

Curriculum Ties
History: Vikings
English: Myths and Legends

Booktalking Ideas
What if you were kidnapped and taken from your country…
Could you stop talking? What if your life depended on it...


American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults

Reading Level/Interest Age

Ages 12-17

Why I included this title...
I've shelved books by Donna Jo Napoli for years, without ever reading one.
Hush caught my eye because of its root in Irish legend.

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