Reger, Rob, author/illustrator. Jessica Gruner, co-writer. Buzz Parker, co-illustrator. Emily the Strange: The Lost Days. ISBN-10: 0601452297, ISBN-13: 9780601452291. Harper Collins. 2009.
In the town of Blackstone, a girl is sweeping out a coffee shop for sandwiches, sleeping in a cardboard lean-to with four cats and has amnesia. She doesn't know who she is, why she's in Blackstone, but she knows there are things that need to be found out, and found out quickly because not knowing who she is is becoming a bother.
Critical Evaluation
Emily is in a town that she's never visited before as far as she knows, but then again she's got amnesia so she doesn't even know that she is Emily or why she's in this strange town. Readers who have read about Emily's other adventures will be caught up in the mysteries that abound in Blackstone, with her barista Raven, and with the other cast of characters that are part of the puzzle. Written in Emily's well-known lists and journal entries, fans will enjoy the ninth book in the Emily collection.
Reader's Annotation
Blackstone is a town that has neither stones nor anything black other than the four cats that follow around a girl who wears the same black dress every day. But all will be explained after the amnesia has expired, and Emily is back to being herself.
About the Author
Emily the Strange is the product of Rob Reger. He started with her image on t-shirts and skateboards and now has over 10 books dedicated to Emily, her cats and her adventures. Emily's iconic image has become a fashion brand known around the world.
Illustrated Novel (not a graphic novel)
Curriculum Ties
Booktalking Ideas
If you could give yourself amnesia, would you…
Reading Level/Interest Age
Ages 13+
Why I included this title...
This book was given to me because the spine was broken by a patron. After ordering a replacement, I started reading because I liked her lists.
More Information
Rob Reger.
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